Tradux, conscious of the need to offer top-flight service has, since its inception, pursued a policy of on-going investment enabling it to adapt progressively to recent technological innovations in management and communications.
To invest is itself to bet on the business, on its present and perhaps more importantly on its future. Competitiveness is the result of work well done but also of permanent updating at all levels, both technical and human. The work is not the way it was ten years ago, nor do our clients require the same service. A company which fails to renew disappears, stagnant and anonymous. Prestige is regained day by day, month by month, year by year. And it is necessary to change, in order to continue to be the same.
There are new fields where Tradux must be present: the social networks, translation professionals’ blogs, areas of university encounter… Our capacity to store, deliver and receive work has grown considerably, with top-line IT and management infrastructure. New professionals have been incorporated into the administration and review department, the corporate image has been renewed and the company faces the future certain that it will able to respond to any challenge.
In short, Tradux faces the future animatedly, and our clients can be certain that, yet again, we are ready.
Technical Resources s
A multifunctional client-server IT system :
- A twin Internet connection using various operators to ensure that projects can be received and delivered at any time.
- A centralised data repository (documents, glossaries, translation stores, etc.).
- A clearance structure for access to data and different levels and sublevels in the company’s departments: Management, Project Organisation and Translation.
- An automated backup system for all information.
- Sixth-generation servers, new web pages in the .net environment, use of the Social Networks…
- Double email server system to guarantee that projects are dealt with permanently (main and backup server, both at different locations).
- An internal, customised email management platform allowing projects to be received and sent in centralised form, facilitating simultaneous communication with all project managers.
- An automated backup copy system for centralised information on the email platform.
The management system:
- A Dutch data management system specialised in the Translation sector, enabling the company to manage and monitor projects optimally, centralised, enhancing management times, saving paper, etc.
- Introduction of an urgent customer service to meet translation requirements outside office hours.
- A centralised assisted translation facility making it possible to improve the product, the result of translation in shorter periods of time.
- A document handling system including management of versions.
Human Resources
- Antonio Carrillo Robles. Sole Administrator, Sworn Translator in five languages.
- Antonio Carrillo Tundidor Associate-Director and Manager. Lawyer, studying PhD in Philosophy of Law, specialist in business and maritime law from the ICADE, in business management from the EOI and international relations from the London School of Economics.
- Borja Carrillo, Associate-Director. Senior Administrative and Finance Technician, Head of the Financial Department.
- Marcos Mendieta, Lawyer, Head of the Department of Administration and Customer Service
- However, at the core of Tradux are its translators, experienced professionals among this country’s translation elite, a team of more than forty, translating to and from all languages.